When I reviewed memcached previously, I got faster performance with wp-cache than memcached…..but that was about 16 months ago. So I decided to give it another run for the money on a few sites. The installation is pretty simple….especially since I scripted most of it for you…..
[codesyntax lang=”bash”]
#!/bin/bash # By Ed Wiget # Use this version of Libevent LIBEVENT_VERSION='2.0.18' # Use this version of Memcached MEMCACHED_VERSION='1.4.13' # Use this version of Memcache - note issues with 3.0.6 MEMCACHE_VERSION='3.0.5' # directory to download and compile stuff DLDIR=/tmp # set lib directory to 64 bit LIBDIR='lib64' # number of cpu cores CPUS=`cat "/proc/cpuinfo" | grep "processor"|wc -l` # number of threads to use when compiling MAKETHREADS=" -j$CPUS" echo "*************************************************" echo "* Installing memcached" echo "*************************************************" echo "Downloading memcached..." cd ${DLDIR} if [ -s libevent-${LIBEVENT_VERSION}-stable.tar.gz ]; then echo "libevent-${LIBEVENT_VERSION} Archive found, skipping download..." else wget -c http://www.monkey.org/~provos/libevent-${LIBEVENT_VERSION}-stable.tar.gz --tries=3 fi if [ -s memcached-${MEMCACHED_VERSION}.tar.gz ]; then echo "memcached ${MEMCACHED_VERSION} Archive found, skipping download..." else wget -c http://memcached.googlecode.com/files/memcached-${MEMCACHED_VERSION}.tar.gz --tries=3 fi if [ -s memcache-${MEMCACHE_VERSION}.tgz ]; then echo "memcache ${MEMCACHE_VERSION} Archive found, skipping download..." else wget -c http://pecl.php.net/get/memcache-${MEMCACHE_VERSION}.tgz --tries=3 fi echo "Compiling libevent..." cd ${DLDIR} tar xfz libevent-${LIBEVENT_VERSION}-stable.tar.gz cd libevent-${LIBEVENT_VERSION}-stable ./configure --prefix=/usr/${LIBDIR} make$MAKETHREADS && make install echo "/usr/${LIBDIR}/lib/" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/libevent-i386.conf ldconfig echo "Compiling memcached..." cd ${DLDIR} tar xzf memcached-${MEMCACHED_VERSION}.tar.gz cd memcached-${MEMCACHED_VERSION} ./configure --with-libevent=/usr/${LIBDIR} make$MAKETHREADS && make install cp ${DLDIR}/memcached-${MEMCACHED_VERSION}/scripts/memcached-tool /usr/local/bin echo "Compiling memcached..." cd ${DLDIR} cat > /etc/init.d/memcached << EOF #!/bin/sh # chkconfig: - 80 12 # description: The memcached daemon is a network memory cache service. # processname: memcached BIN=/usr/local/bin/memcached USER=nobody CON=2048 THREADS=4 MINSP=48 CHUNKF=1.05 PORT1=11211 PORT2=11212 MEMSIZE=8 SERVERCOUNT=1 if [ -f /proc/user_beancounters ]; then ulimit -s 256 fi if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" == '2' ]; then $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT1 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT2 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER elif [ "$SERVERCOUNT" == '1' ]; then $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT1 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER fi case "$1" in start) if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" == '2' ]; then $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT1 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT2 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER elif [ "$SERVERCOUNT" == '1' ]; then $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT1 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER fi ;; stop) killall $BIN ;; restart) killall $BIN if [ "$SERVERCOUNT" == '2' ]; then $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT1 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT2 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER elif [ "$SERVERCOUNT" == '1' ]; then $BIN -d -m $MEMSIZE -l -p $PORT1 -c $CON -t $THREADS -n $MINSP -f $CHUNKF -u $USER fi ;; esac EOF chmod +x /etc/init.d/memcached chkconfig --add memcached chkconfig --level 345 memcached on service memcached start echo "Compiling PHP memcache extension..." cd ${DLDIR} tar -xvf memcache-${MEMCACHE_VERSION}.tgz cd memcache-${MEMCACHE_VERSION} /usr/local/bin/phpize ./configure --enable-memcache --with-php-config=/usr/local/bin/php-config make$MAKETHREADS && make install echo "" >> /usr/local/lib/php.ini echo "extension=/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/memcache.so" >> /usr/local/lib/php.ini /etc/init.d/php-fpm restart echo "" echo "*************************************************" echo "Setup memcached.php admin page ..." echo "*************************************************" cp -a memcache.php /usr/local/nginx/html chown -R nginx:nginx /usr/local/nginx/html chmod 644 /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php sed -i "s/'ADMIN_USERNAME','memcache'/'ADMIN_USERNAME','memcacheuser'/g" /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php sed -i "s/'ADMIN_PASSWORD','password'/'ADMIN_PASSWORD','memcachepass'/g" /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php sed -i "s/mymemcache-server1:11211/localhost:11211/g" /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php sed -i "s/mymemcache-server2:11211/localhost:11212/g" /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php echo "Setup Memcached Server Admin Login Details for /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php" echo -n "(Type username your want to set and press Enter): " read memcacheduser echo -n "(Type password your want to set and press Enter): " read memcachedpassword echo "current memcached username: `grep "'ADMIN_USERNAME','memcacheuser'" /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php | sed -e "s/define('ADMIN_USERNAME','//" | sed -e 's/\/\/ Admin Username//' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' | sed -e "s/');//"`" echo "current memcached password: `grep "'ADMIN_PASSWORD','memcachepass'" /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php | sed -e "s/define('ADMIN_PASSWORD','//" | sed -e 's/\/\/ Admin Password//' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' | sed -e "s/');//"`" sed -i "s/'ADMIN_USERNAME','memcacheuser'/'ADMIN_USERNAME','${memcacheduser}'/g" /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php sed -i "s/'ADMIN_PASSWORD','memcachepass'/'ADMIN_PASSWORD','${memcachedpassword}'/g" /usr/local/nginx/html/memcache.php echo "new memcached username: ${memcacheduser}" echo "new memcached password: ${memcachedpassword}" echo "*************************************************" echo "* memcached installed" echo "*************************************************"
After you have memcached installed, next is configuring wordpress.
Install the wordpress plugin Memcached
Copy the file wp-content/plugins/memcached/object-cache.php wp-content/object-cache.php
edit wp-content/object-cache.php if you are using multiple memcached servers or different ports to define each and set:
[codesyntax lang=”bash”]
$port = 11211;
$buckets = array(‘’);
or you can also set the values in wp-config.php file at the very end….the default values are for localhost, if it is an external host, change to the hosts ip address.
[codesyntax lang=”bash”]
global $memcached_servers; $memcached_servers = array(‘default’ => array(‘′));
If you don’t want to use the memcache.php page, there is another utility called memcached-top which you can grab from:
[codesyntax lang=”bash”]
wget http://memcache-top.googlecode.com/files/memcache-top-v0.6 chmod +x memcache-top-v0.6 ./memcache-top-v0.6
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